Custom Embroidery & Longarm Quilting

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What I've been working on

Here are the "bellybuttons" or centers of the X-block quilt I am working on with 2 of my friends. Actually we are each making our own quilt, but we are all using the X-block tool and patterns.

I have photos of 2 customer quilts I did, but I keep forgetting to ask their permission to publish pictures of their quilts. I know it is probably not "legally" necessary, but I just think it is the right thing to do. I would love to hear your opinion!!

I actually quilted one of my own quilts this past weekend. I guess it is the "cobbler" syndrome. The cobbler's children had holes in their shoes, and the quilter is usually working on someone else's quilt. Hey, I am blessed to be working at a job I LOVE, so I will squeeze my quilts in when I can. Since the photos of that one are on hubby's camera and he left yesterday for Illinois, I guess I am just teasing you with all my typing and no pictures. At least I'm typing!!! I promise to get pics up this weekend!

Don't sweat the small things and don't smell the sweaty things!

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